Archive for the 'Personal' Category

Apr 14 2009

Valerio Albisetti’s blog is online

Published under General,Personal

Just a little post to say that Valerio Albisetti, the very famous writer, psychoanalyst is now online with the blog

Readers, Friends, fans and anyone interested in topics like psychoanalysis and faith can have a direct link with the author by means of the blog.

Let's start reading the first post of  Valerio Albisetti.

8 responses so far

Apr 07 2009

(Italiano) Open Day Polimi – perchè rifarei Ingegneria Elettronica

Published under General,Italian,Personal

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

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Feb 26 2009

“What did you learned today?” and continuously feeding the brain

I just read this post in which the author depicted the main differences between works involving static environments, like accountants management, in which the way of making things changes slowly and more dynamic environments, like IT related areas, in which things change terribly faster.

Reading this I realized what I recently thought about the continue and strong knowledge process I need to face to in my everyday work and I put myself a question: would I like to live without continuously learning new things?

In last few month I become aware of one big truth: I'm not happy at night if during the day I didn't learn something new.

I suppose that this is due mainly to two factors:
1. I'm forced to learn new things every day, because technologies and markets move faster and faster and the knowledge must run ,at least at the same speed. Any IT professional is on the cutting edge of the technology and has to remain on the edge in order to offer excellent products.
2. I physically require to learn something new every day. My soul and my brain ask this.

The first is an external conditioning, the second is a condition imposed by my way of being. These two penetrate mutually in such a strong way that I can't decide which of the two is the independent cause: is my soul that makes me "decide" to become an IT professional or is the IT market that addicted me to such an high rate of changes and making me unable to live without continuous improvements?

I suppose, and I like to think that, neither the first nor the second is the unique independent cause, but both com-penetrates in making me like I am.

I also realized that is really difficult to me working on repetitive duties (sometimes this is necessary even in IT activities) without giving up to the seduction of suspend my tasks and start exploring new solutions and paths in order to find optimized and more efficient ways of doing the same things.

This is good because improves my abilities and my background, but it is also a doom because it continuously train my brain and make me addicted to a continuous learning process.

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