Dec 25 2008
Christmas 2008
It's Christmas and another year is closing. A lot of things happened this year, as usual some are good, some other are bad. The social psychology seems to be forged to a widespread pessimism and I'm a little bit concerned about the new year. I have no doubt in the human ability to make good things, but I'm concerned because a so wide absence of trust will make bad things happen.
Even if I don't like to see good things where there are not good things at all, I'm in general an optimist. I'm sure that only if we all try to see some good things in the future the economic disaster depicted by media and by some politician could be avoided.
It's quite clear that in last years a lot of companies, "business men" and "managers", tried to make money creating apparent and virtual value. This should make us reflecting in our judgement ability about what happen in the world, about the real value of things and about our ability in understanding the news from media. We are all responsible if virtual value was created from nothing and we if we didn't recognize sick business systems.
I hope that the crisis we perceive in this weeks will produce s kind of "garbage collection" in economical and financial world in order to eliminate all fake businesses.
We should always remember that real investments, and the resulting economical welfare, are completely based on confidence about the future, we risk the economical paralysis if we don't trust in future.
We should even understand that if we all think that bad things will happen, bad things will really happen.
We should trust in future, we have to trust in the human ability in finding solutions to problems. I thinks that the main ingredients toward a satisfactory solution to this crisis are:
- Patience
- Hard work
- Social solidarity
- Ethics
I'm sure that if we put these ingredients in our every-day life in 2009 we will see a completely new and better world.
Try to think positive. Merry Christmas!
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